Keystuff is meant to be put in batch files, and used to automatically input those "yes," "no," "press any key to begin," etc. instructions to get to the main body of your application. It can stuff up to 15 characters in the computer's keyboard buffer. When the application runs, it reads the codes in the buffer as if you had typed the keys yourself. For example, my batch file used to call up Procomm+TD uses two keypresses to get to the main screen. Since any key will do, my batch file looks like: keystuff yy pcplustd Keyboard uses the tilde (~) as the enter key. If you need returns after your program prompts, you can type: keystuff y~n~ [program] This program was put in the public domain by Blake McArthur, Winnipeg, Canada. Further information can be found in the September 1988 issue of PCResource Magazine. Enjoy. Greg Perlstein CIS 76667,353